(I submitted
the following to the Seattle Times some time ago as “My Take” concerning stopping Longview coal terminal. They
declined to print it so I decided to post it because my county executive
candidacy has resulted in questions about my opinion about "Climate Change".)
Terminal Myths,
The Oct 10th opinion
letter “Good Riddance” praising Oct 6th Seattle
Times editorial “Environmental victory but challenges remain,” derides
the Trump attempts to revive the coal industry as a “cruel myth”.
It’s doubtful those getting the jobs despite the claim “coal comes in dead last
among energy production industries” consider them a “cruel
myth”. It’s not clear what “energy production industries”
coal lags in terms of jobs since millions spent on oil pipelines create very
few “permanent jobs”.
It’s also no
myth the Longview area would have “benefitted” from the $680 million spent to
create the terminal and the 135 permanent jobs, despite the fact ”That’s just
one job per $5 million invested.” By that criteria the
billions spent creating freeways, but very few “permanent jobs,” are a total
The myth is
the claim the Longview area and other like it would benefit from a company
offering to provide “information and technology intensive jobs”. It’s
also a myth to claim the EPA decision to stop the Longview terminal as an
“Environmental victory” since it will have absolutely no effect on climate
change or global warming.
The biggest
myth of all is the claim CO2 is an environmental pollutant. CO2 is a
colorless, odorless gas that currently makes up about .04% of the
atmosphere. Man made CO2 emissions currently account for about 5% of the
total. Increasing CO2 enhances plant growth. For years growers have
benefitted by increasing CO2 to 1000 parts per million in green houses.
years of attempts to use computer models to predict the effects of increased
CO2 on global warming have failed to match measured temperatures. The
latest results show far less sensitivity to CO2 increases than earlier.
A report in the CERN (Centre for European Nuclear Research) Currier
recently indicated all the climate models must be re-done led to the following:
experiment had used its huge particle accelerator and a giant cloud chamber to
demonstrate that the sun and cosmic rays are the real ‘mystery factors’ in
earth’s climate. The research supports the contention that CO2 is only a bit
The real
“challenge” for environmentalists is to recognize that reality.
Your understanding of the world is really unfortunate. I encourage you to read more from climate scientists who spend their lives studying what you currently misunderstand. Anyone can choose to learn more!
ReplyDeleteDear "unknown",
DeletePlease provide specifics as to what you think I currently "misunderstand"!