One of the reasons light rail costs threaten the entire area
is Sound Transits agreement with the University of Washington regarding the
Central Link extension to Northgate. The 3/29/13 post suggested Sound Transit use the
University Station as a terminus for 520 BRT rather than extend light rail to
Northgate. A viewer referred me to
a “Master Implementation Agreement with Sound Transit” (MIA) dealing with UW requirements for
Central Link.
The MIA “Background” list of five principles begins with the
rail alignment which provides reasonable pedestrian access to station locations
from the University’s Seattle campus is desirable and wanted by the University
and Sound Transit”
The UW apparently recognized
extending Central Link light rail to the university would benefit students,
faculty, and others. However, the next principle stipulates
Transit’s commitment and funding to extend the northern portal beyond the
University District is necessary to minimize further congestion in the area.
They later require
Sound Transit shall
aggressively pursue funding to extend the Light Rail Transit System beyond
University property toward Northgate as expeditiously as possible
They reinforce their concerns with the following warning:
Nothing in this
Agreement shall prevent or limit the University’s ability to seek further
remedies and/or compensation from Sound Transit or any other party should the
Light Rail Transit System fail to extend to Northgate in a timely manner.
The UW obviously believes the way “to minimize congestion in
the area” is to extend light rail towards Northgate. However, later the
MIA does open the possibility of a transit center (T/C) near the stadium with
the following:
Sound Transit shall
not include design features for public automobile parking or bus service
changes with layover or loading areas in the vicinity of University of
Washington Station that do not, in the University’s judgment, directly benefit
the University
Currently Metro 271 and ST540 and ST542 provide bus
connections across 520 to the University.
The HOV lanes on the new 520 Bridge will probably lead to increased eastside
bus traffic. However Central Link will
presumably reduce the number of Seattle bus routes into the area. Sound Transit could probably convince
the University a 4-6 bay T/C near the University Station would not cause
excessive congestion. As the
7/29/12 and 3/29/13 posts detail, a University T/C could also provide eastside
commuters with improved access to the University as well as access to light rail service into Seattle. Seattleites could benefit from improved BRT service from
University station to Microsoft and other eastside work locations.
The MIA also raises concerns any UW
gains from not terminating Central Link at a T/C near the University station are
offset by the potential adverse affects from light rail operation under the
campus. Excerpts from the MIA
detail these concerns.
regarding impacts upon vibration and electromagnetic sensitive teaching and
research located in buildings on the Seattle campus resulted in the Modified
Mountlake Route (MMR).
The MIA requires that any light rail tunnel under the
research and instruction by defining levels of vibration and magnetic field (MF)
thresholds which ST shall not exceed without advance approval by the
University; includes a monitoring program to assure real time compliance as
well as liquidation damages if any threshold is exceeded by ST.
The tunnel risks have resulted in:
ST and
UW agree upon a lump sum payment of $20,000,000 by ST to the University as
consideration for the terms, conditions and easements contemplated in the MIA
as well as reflecting the allocation of risks and obligations afforded to each
party associated with the first two segments of the North Link program on and
under the Seattle Campus east of 15th and south of 45th.
They also resulted in the following tunnel
design requirements:
order to minimize vibration and MF, Sound Transit shall have a continuing
obligation to employ, over the term of this Agreement, the most current and
effective design and material, including but not limited to quadrupole
mitigation techniques at least within the limits of the University’s Seattle
campus, floating slabs and ultra straight track designed to produce minimum
undulation and vibration, particularly at low frequencies, from the University
of Washington Station to at least the northwest boundary of the University’s
Seattle Campus,
Even with these probably expensive design
features the completed tunnel light rail must demonstrate compliance during “pre-Revenue
Service Testing”:
no event shall Sound Transit commence Revenue Service on University Properties
if (Vibration and MF) Thresholds
are exceeded.
Other parts of the MIA include huge
fines if the tunnel takes too long or if problems during service result in
vibration or MF exceeding limits. The
MIA assures any disputes regarding these issues will likely be resolved in favor
of the University.
of Regents has ultimate approval authority on design, mitigation and monitoring
plans required of ST under the MIA.
The bottom line is rather than attempting
to persuade University to accept a T/C near the stadium as the Central Link
terminus Sound Transit has agreed to risk hundreds of millions of public funds designing
(presumably with UW design concurrence) and building a light rail tunnel with
no assurance they’ll ever be able to use it. Even worse, even if they succeed, the added ridership
from the Northgate extensions will never justify the costs for the extension or
the added operating costs.
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