The April 26th Seattle Times headline, "Democrats score big wins as Legislature wraps up" reinforced my decision to file as a candidate for King County Executive. As with my previous 9 candidacies it's with no expectation or desire to win but to use the Voter's Pamphlet to attract attention to this blog. The previous candidacies have primarily been attempts to expose Sound Transit's failure to reduce area's congestion. This year it's to allow residents unhappy with the "Democrat's big wins" to vote for someone who shares their concerns.
The April 26th article demonstrates what happens when Democrats control both houses of the legislature, the governor's office, and the vast majority of the press and media. The Times May 1 article, "State embarks on far-reaching effort to combat climate change", calling it, "the nation's most far reaching state-level attempt to clamp down on green house gas emissions" typifies the result.
The legislation essentially reflected Seattle Times editorials. Their April 4th version urged legislators require polluters who emitted more than 25,000 tons of carbon bid each year for "their share of state's acceptable amount of emissions". The legislation was estimated to "extract more than $470 million per year from carbon pollutes at its outset"
The Times April 18th editorial reported, "Only 72% of Washington Highways were in acceptable condition as of 2019". Yet the paper applauded the legislature's decision to include a 9.8 cent per gallon increase to "Wisely spend about five times as much on environmental improvements as it does on road construction".
The Democrat Senate Majority leader's claim, "We listened, We acted," raises questions as to who he listened to. They apparently weren't aware the entire country emits only 15% of the world's emissions. China emits twice that amount and has plans to nearly double those emission by 2030.
The April 4th editorial claim the 45% of Washington's annual emissions from transportation can be cut with electric cars ignores the fact nearly all of the battery charging power comes from fossil fueled generators. It's "unlikely" any attempt to reduce Washington's carbon emissions, or the entire country's attempt will significantly reduce atmospheric CO2 levels.
Thus, it's "fortunate" the National Academy of Science published a November 2014 report entitled:
Shortwave and Longwave Radiative Contributions to Global Warming Under Increasing CO2.
It concluded:
Although greenhouse gas forcing predominantly acts to reduce Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) the resulting global warming is likely caused by enhanced Absorbed Solar Radiation (ASR).
Ice-core data have shown global warming, driven by the Sun, is also the reason for increasing CO2 in atmospheric, not the result. The warmer temperatures increase out gassing from the ocean. A NASA December 9th, 2019 paper "Solar Cycle 25 Prediction 2019--Bing" included charts with the following:
Global Warming Ruse-Temperatures Getting Colder, CO2 is not a player"
CO2 warming effect decreases with concentration. CO2 has less and less effect with increased concentration. CO2 can go to 1000 to 2000 or to 5000 and it won't warm the earth.
I look forward to using my candidacy to inform voters both the NAS and NASA debunk the efficacy of the state's version of the "green new deal".
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