There simply is no way ST can install light rail tracks and
5000-volt power lines along Bellevue Way and 112th Ave that would
comply with anyone’s definitions of “strict standards”. Hundreds of trees and other
greenery are going to be ripped out along a beautiful boulevard and park as
part of the construction.
When its complete residents can look forward to trains trundling
through their neighborhood on tracks, some within 30 feet of their living rooms,
every 3 ½ - 5 minutes for up to 20 hours a day. The proposed code even limits the height of any fence
for those living adjacent to the tracks and requires them to maintain any trees
or other landscaping attempts by ST to shield the noise.
Some might argue that the benefits from East Link outweigh the
“costs” to those living along the route.
Sound Transit promised voters prior to the 2008 Prop 1 vote that
cross-lake light rail was like adding 10 lanes of freeway across the bridge and
would increase person-moving capacity by up to 60%.
The reality is East Link is not only a disaster for those living
along its route, it’s a disaster for the entire east side. It will never have the capacity or the
accessibility to carry more than a fraction of cross-lake commuters. Those without access to light rail will
be forced to use outer roadways that Sound Transit studies show won’t have the
needed capacity. (The 5/15/12 post
“The case against East Link” explains the problem in detail.)
Sound Transit made a monumental blunder when the refused to
consider bus rapid transit for the center roadway and assumed the 4th
lane on the outer roadways could accommodate all the HOV and bus traffic. Now they are attempting to get the BCC
to agree to try to make a silk purse out of the sow’s ear that is East
Link. It can’t be done!
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