The January 18th Seattle Times’s article “PSE electric, gas bills are poised to rise again starting next month” is another result of Gov Inslee’s “Quixotic” relying on hundreds of wind turbines for energy rather than attacking them. This time the article by the paper’s Climate Lab, their “project that “explores the effects of climate change in the Pacific Northwest and beyond”.
However, like nearly all their articles, its more about their version of what causes climate change rather than its effect. That Washington’s anthropogenic (manmade) CO2 emissions are causing increased global temperatures posing an existential threat to the state's environment. That the state can reduce the threat by forcing PSE to raise costs for those who use electric energy from coal or natural gas-powered generators. That by increasing the cost for those who do so in their home or business they can reduce the amount of fossil fuel burned.
However, I-2117 rejection doesn’t result in those burning natural gas in their home or where they work, or those burning gas or diesel in their vehicles, emitting more than half the state's CO2 being charged for doing so. That those using electric power to cook their food, heat pumps to warm where they live or work, or recharge the battery in their EV will. (It’s not clear why PSE raised gas prices since the piping of natural gas to users doesn’t result in any CO2 emissions.)
Any climate benefit from reducing CO2 emissions is limited to Washington only emitting 1.2% of the country’s 11% of planets, or ~0.12% of the total emissions. Not much when compared to China emitting 30% of the total to atmospheric CO2 that will be carried by jet stream to Washington.
Plans to close Washington’s coal power generators and severely limit PSE access to other coal-powered sources will do little to offset the fact that coal global use of continues to increase. That 49% of the county’s electric energy comes from coal powered generators and that China plans to add 100 coal powered generators this year.
Thus, PSE efforts to reduce the CO2 they emit will have little effect on atmospheric level. Even more telling is the recognition that increasing atmospheric CO2 levels are the result of increasing global temperatures not the cause. That oceans warmed by the Sun increase CO2 outgassing to atmosphere that is reabsorbed by ocean when temperatures drop. Other results indicate the atmosphere was already “saturated” to where doubling the current 400 parts per million to 800 would result in a minimal .5C degree increase.
The bottom line is there’s little justification for forcing PSE to “shift away from coal and natural gas that made up nearly half its electricity generation in 2023”. That the resulting price increase is based on the premise that those using the electricity will use less for heat pumps or EV battery chargers. That any resulting CO2 reduction will be dwarfed by emitters not paying in the state and elsewhere.
Thus, PSE should not be required to fund hundreds of wind turbines to generate electricity or for batteries needed when they lose nearly 90% of that capacity when wind velocity drops by half. It’s time the Seattle Times Climate Lab recognized that reality.
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