The previous post detailed how the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is proceeding with plans to release its 6th Assessment
Report (6th AR) in 2022. That when it’s
released it will undoubtedly reassert the claim, “Human influence on the climate
system is clear”.
The basis for “human
influence” claim on temperatures is an August 2007, Scientific American article,
“The Physical Science behind Climate Change”. It concluded the
anthropogenic CO2 emissions in their computer models had to have 10 times the
effect of the Sun to match measured data.
The IPCC AR5 concluded new computer models required those emissions to
have 30 times the Sun’s affect to match measured data.
The IPCC decision to minimize Sun’s impact on temperatures
ignored 800,000 years of ice core data. The four prior Interglacial periods show CO2 level was the result of increased out
gassing from ocean when temperatures were warming and increased dissolution
when temperatures were cooling. Both warming and cooling and CO2
increasing and decreasing were driven by the Sun.
The clearest example was the Sun warmed global temperatures
during the Eemian Interglacial Period some 126,000 years ago to 4 deg C higher
than current levels. Yet CO2 levels never exceeded 290 parts
per million (ppm) CO2 in atmosphere. However while the Sun was responsible for increasing CO2 in
atmosphere it was the CO2 in atmosphere that further warmed planet by blocking
radiation back to space.
The warming from 0 deg F without CO2 to 60 deg F shows most of the radiation to space was blocked with 290 ppm CO2 While it’s not clear what percentage was blocked, a global
energy flow chart for 2000 to 2004 showed ~370 ppm atmospheric CO2 “back radiation” (reflected) 333 out of 356 Watt/sq meter or
~94% of surface radiation.
Recent data showed back radiation increased to 96% of surface
emission, presumably the result of atmospheric CO2 increasing to 410 ppm. The hundreds of billions spent
annually on windmills, solar panels, and battery-powered cars during the 20
years have still resulted in blockage increasing by 2%. However the “most likely” reason
for recent global warming is not the 2% increase in blockage but an increase in
Sun’s energy resulting in more energy to block. The IPCC claim fossil emissions have 30 times the affect of
the Sun is absurd.
It’s also “unlikely” allowing fossil emissions to increase
back radiation above 96% would be “an existential threat”. Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” is
in fact a monumental lie. Spending
trillions on the Green New Deal perpetrating that lie goes beyond absurdity to
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