put it mildly, I was disappointed.
The initial chart suggested closing the I-90 center roadway was a “done
deal” based on an earlier ROD (Record of Decision). He seemed utterly unaware of the fact the Sept 2004 ROD “I-90
Two-Way Transit and HOV Operations Project Record of Decision”
had included the following description of the “Selected Alternative R-8A:
Alternative R-8A will provide HOV lanes on the outer
roadways. It will retain the
existing reversible operation on the center roadway with both lanes operating
in the same direction.
He never did explain how or why the FHWA
had agreed with ST that the center roadway vehicle lanes were no longer
I later asked whether the FHWA was going
to require Sound Transit demonstrate the 4th lanes added to the
outer roadways had sufficient capacity to accommodate all the I-90 vehicles
prior to closing the center roadway to install light rail. The response was the FHWA was satisfied
that ST “modeling” had shown adequate capacity so no additional testing was
I was interrupted by the “monitor” before
I could point out the 2004 ROD had concluded inbound and outbound lanes on the
center roadway, the R-2B configuration, did not provide sufficient capacity for
both non-transit HOV and buses. Thus
it seemed “unlikely” 4th lanes, squeezed onto the outer roadways,
would be adequate. To accept ST
assurances of capacity without verification seems “imprudent”.
In conclusion, the FHWA is apparently
willing to approve ST plans to confiscate the I-90 Bridge center roadway to
install light rail. The entire east side will suffer if this
current lack of adequate oversight continues.
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